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Invest 31

Invest 31

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Let's begin the second half of 2021 together with some much needed heart-tending.

The next session of Invest 31 begins July 1, 2021. Purchase here anytime before July 1 to join us!

We're going to invest 31 minutes a day, for 31 consecutive days. We’re talking about taking 2% of your day for your heart and soul!

This is our third offering of Invest 31, and it only comes around once or twice a year (about every six months or so)! This is your opportunity to dedicate some daily time over the course of a month to filling your cup with an activity you love. You might chip away at a series of small projects you've had on the back burner, or you might begin that one you've been meaning to. You'll have our support throughout to hold you accountable and champion your progress. 

Your investment:

  • 31 minutes a day
  • 31 days
  • $31

Our commitment:

  • daily accountability check-in email
  • daily journal prompts and affirmations
  • optional halfway 1:1 progress call
  • calendar print out to track your participation (just for you!)
  • designated private Facebook group to share your ideas, creations, activities
  • end of month virtual celebration with Invest 31 participants

Here's what a few of our previous participants have shared:

Thank you for letting me be a part of the Invest 31 journey. It's a really special thing you're doing and is much appreciated. Invest 31 was of great value to me. It was really good to set aside a part of the day for my wellbeing. I have developed some good habits from the month that I will try to continue. One of my favourite parts was the daily affirmations, a lot of them were exactly what I needed at just the right time. I also loved the journaling prompts. Although I wasn't journaling, the prompts were very well thought out as the month progressed and many of them had me thinking for days. I miss the daily emails! I got into a habit of looking for your email each day and have actually looked for them a few times this month.

The daily emails kept me on track -- made me think about taking this journey together and prodding me to daily take up the challenge of investing my thought and action in a deliberate, purposeful way. The communications also made me feel part of a community, which I think is key. I wouldn't have invested this amount of quality thought and action if I hadn't felt embraced in the group.

I found myself looking forward to the daily emails - they were a perfect midday break. They reminded me to step away from work or whatever I was doing to take a few minutes for myself. I always felt better and more capable of tackling what the rest of the day had in store for me after reading them. I struggle with knowing where to begin sometimes when I'm journaling and the prompts gave me a nice launching point. Once I got going I'd struggle to stop! Hah! The same happened when I was working on my projects - I'd set my timer for 31 minutes, which would fly by, and I'd end up crafting or painting or hiking for far longer! It was usually the best part of my day!